The team

  • Christelle malan

    Christelle is a born and bred bushbaby. Growing up in South Africa on the banks of the mighty Olifants river bordering the word famous Kruger National Park.

    Her passion for Nature and Wildlife drove her to start a career as a nature guide. Being born into the tourist industry and spending most of her time in the bush gives her intimate knowledge of what her incredible country has to offer!

  • Hedda Hilleren

    Hedda is from Norway, and travelled to South Africa for the first time in 2018. What was supposed to be a three-week holiday turned into months, turned into years.

    She has developed the deepest respect and love for the African nature and the beauty that surrounds us living in this special place. Being from Norway, she recognized the potential our beautiful country has to offer as a destination for the Scandinavian travelers.